
Buried salmon

This recipe comes from my friend Malin from Sweden. Attention: this is recipe for marinated salmon (raw). Where we are not 100% sure about fish freshness or vendor hygiene I’m strongly recommending use frozen salmon.


- 2 salmon boneless fillets (or we can prepare fillets from a whole – fresh or frozen salmon – from fins, ends and head we will make a soup and from meat spread – see other recipes)
- bunch of fresh dill
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 4 tbsp salt


1. From a whole salmon prepare two fillets (debone, but leave the skin).
 Picture 16Picture 17 Picture 18
2. Mix salt and sugar in a small bowl and chop dill and spread equally on the fillets (fillets can be cut into half as well).
Picture 20
3. Place fillets into Ziploc bag and press between two plates. Marinate in the fridge over night.
Picture 21
4. The next day check the process of marinating, strain the liquid and again cover with the same ration salt:sugar mixture. Marinate in the fridge over night again.
5. The third day take the fillets out, strain the liquid, scrape the remains of dill away and dry off the fillets with paper towel.
6. Serve on wooden board and whittle down with sharp knife (very thin pieces) and place them on bread and butter.

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