
Chicken á la Neigella


In the time before I did unsubscribe the satellite TV and went back to the listening to the radio, reading books or just a simple home atmosphere with kitchen and home creativity, my favourite TV channel was (i.a. CSI and news) the Food Channel.

Nigella Lawson was my favourite presenter and I would like to present to you one of my favourite chicken dishes – with a slightly modification to my own conservative taste and according to the availability of ingredients in a small western Canadian village.


1 whole chicken

2 bigger onion (cut into the quarters)

2 lemon

1/2 cup olive oil

2 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

2 bay leaves

1 package of hot Italian sausages



1. Into the ZipLock add quarters of onion, squeeze out lemon and add then the pericarp, salt, pepper, bay leaves and olive oil.


2. Close the bag and squeeze with hands into the consistency of mayonnaise.


3. Cut chicken into pieces (incl. bones).


4. Add chicken to the marinade and squeeze gently for couple of minutes between finger like a “massage”. Leave in the fridge for couple o hours or over night marinating.


5. Put chicken into the baking pan and spread the hot Italian sausages over the chicken. Bake in the oven (180°C/350°F) at least for an hour or until the chicken is done. Serve with baked potatoes with rosemary and garlic or with rice. Of course can be serve and eaten without side dishes – just how do like it best…
